Use of html hidden variables in php

Html hidden variables are very useful in php.

Html hidden controls are used to store values or id's . If we add a
form with this hidden control, values stored in that control can be
passed in post method

php email validation example

Here is the code to validate email address


if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$",$email)){
echo "Invalid email";
echo "Valid Email";}


create gridviews with sigmawidgets [javascript,ajax]

Sigma grid is Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. With MVC architecture, plenty of attributes and powerful script API, this grid control brings developer more flexibilities and less workload.

For more details visit :sigmawidgets

php functions explained -- func_num_args() and func_get_args()

1. func_num_args()
2. func_get_args()

These are two php functions used to find number of arguments passed to a function and get get argument values.

For more details visit php manual

why this functions?

These functions are used in function oveloading to find number of arguments passed and there values. .
Usual method of function overloading not works in php.